At least some things won't change...
Picture source: Ruisrock festival homepage:
Ruisrock 2000 -festival
Turku, Finland 30.6.-2.7.2000Looking back some selected photographs.
The images: M. Heinänen & J. Ollikainen.
The words and the web site arrangements: J. Ollikainen
This website is our flashback of our visit in Ruisrock festival in Finland. All the good times we shared, the bands that we did not see, the cool summer rain that flushed upon us, the empty plastic beer cups we recycled, the last few rays of the Midnight sun that was hiding beyond the clouds, and all the fun we made out. In the same time in Roskilde, Denmark, the things turned to be unfortunately much worse.The page is a dedicated on that great weekend we spend in Ruisrock. It remembers that we old friends cannot meet eachothers many times in the same time during the year. What ever is fun, it is worth of it. And this indeed was, but how long it will take before we grow old? At least, we keep on rocking.
It does not matter how old are you.
It matters how you are old. -Marine Dessler
Thanks to Martti, Sami, Ilkka, Jarkko, Aki & Silli, Kimmo & Erika.Have a view. Click the Image !
1. 2. 3. 4.