The Desert Encounters
8th - 14th May, 2000
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Wal-Mart parking lot, Las Vegas Friday 12th May.
A river that does not flow. Channel biking, Friday 12th May.
Ready to lanch the rocket? Enough fuel to launch us out from this crater?
Negative, we are stranded here and we'll stay here some time now.
Picnic in Choloride, Arizona. Saturday 13th May.
desert picnic, closer the concept of absurdism.
This... hey, inspired by our California Trip! Go ahead and try your wings cous' Brian!
Some petrified figures nearby. Brian, hey, let's move ahead, you have been there already 15 minutes!
The Mission Mars. If you have seen any piece of rockets, just bring 'em for me and I'll take 'em to my leader, uh?
Tres - Dos - Uno .. .. .. ignition! Yieehhaaaaaa. Our message in the bottle... a call for help. We never saw our astronauts again.
An ancient Indian spirit approached us in the form of small tornado.
'There is no way out of here', dust in the wind replied anc continued her endless roam.
Cousin Tommy almost dying in the thirst. The ladies won't release the umbrella from their holdings.
'That's it, that's it!! Pure cold water! We'll survive!'
'If some found any Dutch beer, I would prefer that' some smart ass commented while knowing that it was impossible.
The Chloride Murals
" Images from an inward search for self. A journey to explore, understand and harmonize the vast and varied elements of the personality. "
When the population decreased some decided to stay.
Chloride, Az.
Movies! Shall we rent those both films tonight babe?
Again, waiting something that never arrives. Maybe I should set a sale for diesel?
A message in the bottle shored from the sky. You want it all, but you cannot have it.
Beneath, between and behind: four cousins (Risto, Brian (majorlycool), Jyrki & Bobby) and Bob-dad. Thanks for the desert experience and arrangements Bob, your cheeseburgers were more than the words can describe! Grrr.
A glory of the local theater group. What freaks, too long in the desert side might inspire to do strange things. We just passed this guys by without asking what was actually going on.
'Take me to your leader.' This desert fox (cousin Bobby) already burned his another tomb under the sun.
Holding the white thin line of the life and death. Too deep? The line actually just keeps the cars on the road and the scorpions outside.
Just another sunset or the pixels of a fading moment in the different but agreeable order generated by luck and a momentary inspiration.
Aunt Leena's (and Bobby's and Bob's) holiday place.
Temple Bar, Lake Mead, Arizona. Early Sunday morning 14th May.
Brian, Jyrki and Bobby after a debate: do those motorbikes belong to the real bikers or not.
Breakfast in Temple Bar, Lake Meat, Az.
This mine was sealed finally in the 1980s, the activity and prospect, started already in the 19th century. We were late, we got nothing, the main entrance of the mine was disappeared and the heart of the mine stayed discovered for us.
Facing in the wind, feeling the dust in his mount. Better not walk around here. I think it is better to go back to Vegas. There nothing for you, there has not been in the long time.
The end of realm.
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