The Motorcycle Journey
Finland, 10.-13.8.2000
Photograph AlbumRoute turning points:
Helsinki - Mäntsälä - Mikkeli - Savonlinna - Joensuu - Outokumpu - Kuopio - Pieksämäki - Asikkala - HelsinkiOn the wheels: MC Vantaa ~ Ilkka, Pasi & Jyrki
Pictures (except * by Ilkka), text & website layout by Jyrki
Sentences taken from "Tao Te Ching" by Lao Tsu
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Applying the direction from the map and the position of the sun.
The constant problem of decision making.
The being of Pasi's new Kawasaki.
The majesty of the last rays of the day reflected by a forest lake.
The backwoods of Mäntyharju."The clarity of the sky prevents its falling.
The firmless of the earth prevents its splitting."
The official "must" tourist shot. City of St Michael. Yeah! *
The biker's expected landing on the gas station.
"Once the whole is divided, the parts need names.
There are already enough names. One must know when to stop."
The passing restricted. *
Five towers. *
The rugged tower of castle Olavi, Savonlinna.
Nämäkin muurit ovat nähneet kaikenlaista.
"Linnanneidon Tapaus"
on tyypillinen tarina suoraan keskiajalta.
Keitäs ne sankarit nyt lopulta ovatkaan?
Staring at each others indeed.
Seeking the castle enemies out through the castle wall window. However, the Russians' siege of the castle ended some 450 years ago already.
A nostalgic moment when using the pre digital gasoline pump device. "Wanna try?"
Waiting for the next ferry shift to come. Any coffee available here? No, and not tax free shopping facilities either.
Between leather and chromium.
Cutting the engines, standing still on the ferry... shhh, stay as silent... because
"When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.
The world is ruled by letting things take their course."
The ancient access to the underground ice age virtual world. Closed on Fridays.