The Desert Encounters
8th - 14th May, 2000
Various pictures from on the road from Columbia, Mo to Nevada,trip to Lucerne Valley, Ca and,the adventures in Chloride, Az.
Columbia, Missouri and Greyhound Bus Station. Monday 8th May.
Marius stays cool while the waitress tries to convince him to choose milkshakes.
Same day, facing the Greyhound adventure. It is time to leave Columbia.
The skyscrapers stand still and silent while guarding the surrounding emptiness.
Kansas City Monday 8th May.
A deserved break.
Colorado mountain side, Tuesday 8th May.
Touched by the wind, sand and water.
The southern Utah, Tuesday 9th May.
Staring over the rocks and across the hard places..
The southern Utah, Tuesday 9th May.
A guiding light in Nevada desert. Fat burgers from here.
Almost gone with the wind. Hang on aunt Elma!
Lucerne Valley, Ca, Wednesday 10th May.
Something essential. Cousin Risto's cabin in Lucerne Valley, Ca. A hard place to find, after discovering its relaxing and calming influence much harder to leave.
Wednesday 10th May.
When the day breaks the nights. The wind was still there, it did not leave us alone.
The world as we see it now, under the double sun.
Seeing the daylight break through the white wine.