The Great Kayak Odyssey 2001"The vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in." But what is 'a good thing' to do then?
We tend to categorise "what is good" according what is taught to us or what people generally like. In this way, beauty is classified and defined; good is what is said to be good.
Originally, however, "what is good" should be judged according one's own senses. Beauty and good lays only in the eye of observer and cannot be defined or classified in any way, it can be only experienced.
In our holiday context, I think we should adapt this idea of experienced goodness for the sake of recreational power. To get some recreation, we need to get out from the constructual world and the system. Back to the nature, into the lakes and woods, under the influence of the Law of Nature, into the origin and the end.
As it was told:
"Simplicity, which has no name, is free of desires. Being free of desires it is tranquil. And the world will be at peace of its own accord."Just break yourself free.
"For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move"
Just go along the flow of the current.
No matter will you go fast or very slowly, let the flow lead you. Seek your balance, give the same resistance back that the flow gives to you.
Still life with calm water.
Some souvenirs of comfort.
Pancakes! Flavoured by the wet socks.
The excellence of karelian pies.
The Northern Zen... we lost it, but when?
I walk down to the shore to remember the darkness. From there once all began, into there all the shadows will fall down to sleep and all will be the same.
My name is sand that the wind blows away.
If nothing changes, all remains the same.
The gull all above us, knew everything.
After all in the horizon, the bridge makes a domination. In the other side of the construction, our final destination: the end but new begin.
The rain drops on the wind shield.
The Finnish Story : 'Kanoottimatka' START!
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